· This week, I submitted a title and abstract to YSU's QUEST forum for student scholarship. My talk is going to be this Tuesday 4/1/14. I am very excited to present our research at this venue and have been working hard to create the presentation and practice it.
I am also attending the Ohio MAA sectional conference this friday where I will present all of the mathematics that I have learned to accompany this project. I am going to talk about the difference between similarity measures that are metrics and ones that are non-metrics. A metric is simply a function that preserves distance or always satisfies the triangle inequality. There is a lot of debate currently going on about wether or not it is important to use metrics. This topic is truly interdisciplinary (since it spans the subjects of Ecology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Mathematics). In fact, the book I am currently ready on the subject is all about interpreting ecological data. I also intend to do an analysis of the techniques used for our model to determine if they are distance preserving or not. If time is permitting, I will also talk about subadditive and supperadditive functions, and the role they plan in this conundrum.
The first very rough draft of our Grace Hopper Celebration poster has been created. Much work is still needed to get this ready for the conference, but we have plenty of time. I chose to create the poster in LaTex, because I really enjoy typesetting!